companies need to evaluate effectiveness of their gscm implementations to improve green performance of the supply chain. united states environmental protection agency pubilsheda practical guide namely "lean and green supply chain" which concerns reducing costs and improving environmental performance for materials and supply chain managers. This guidebook while reducing or eliminating significant environmental impacts. on the other hand, fahimnia ,Sarkis , and Eshragh
Also presented tactical supply chain planning model for investigating trade-offs between cost and environmental degradation. they found that not all lean interventions at the tactical supply chain planning level result in green benefits, and a flexible supply chain is the greenest and most efficient alternative when compared to strictly lean and centralized situations.
Companies require to evaluate the effectiveness of their GSCM implementations which enables them to improve their green skills.although there are studies in the literature on green supplier selection process ,there is a need for developing models for evaluation overall GSCM performance of any company. Since GSCM requires multi-techniques should be implemented while evaluating GSCM performance of companies. Moreover , fuzzy group decision making methods should be implemented in order to seek solutions for vague and complex multi-attribute problems in fuzzy environment.
In this study such a model is proposed based on integrated fuzzy DEMATEL, fuzzy ANP and fuzzy TOPSIS methods which is novel on assessing overall GSCM performance of companies. First of all , dimensions and involved criteria that effect GSCM performance are determined investigating the literature and by consulting both academic and industrial experts. Then , fuzzy DEMATEL method is used to obtain interrelationship amongst the dimensions, which is required during ANP method. Fuzzy DEMATEL method is a useful tool to gather group ideas and analyze the cause and effect relationship of complex problems in fuzzy environments. Bese on this interrelationship network, fuzzy ANP method is conducted in order to calculate the weights of criteria associated with the dimensions. ANP method is preferred to overcome the problem of interrelation among criteria or factors. And finally fuzzy TOPSIS method is implemented for evaluating and ranking alternative companies in respect with their ability on GSCM activities. TOPSIS has a systematic procedure with simple computation process, and represents a reasonable outcome.
During the fuzzy DEMATEL and fuzzy ANP implementation four academic and four industrial experts are consulted in order to figure out interrelationship amongst the GSCM dimensions and then calculating the weights of associated criteria. Four alternative companies are investigated by two academic experts for evaluating GSCM activities of the companies in respect of predefined criteria. The companies are small and medium sized enterprises in the sector of machine manufacturing which are located in Sakarya city of Turkey.