Set up a vacuum filtration apparatus using the small Buchner funnel and 125 mL
side-arm flask from your drawer (see p. 192 in TOC and the Figure Page, Expt. 1). Place
a disk of filter paper in the funnel and collect the crystals by vacuum filtration. You may
use a spatula to assist in transferring the crystals to the funnel, then wash the phthalic acid
in the funnel with small amounts of ice cold water. Transfer the crystals from the funnel
to a watchglass, place another piece of filter paper on top of the crystals and press firmly
to remove some of the water. Leave them in your drawer to dry until your next lab
period. You will obtain the weight of your recovered product next week. Two days after
your next lab period, you will be required to hand in the Results to your TA. The filtrate
in the side-arm flask may be poured into the sink.