Therapists completed a number of open- ended questions that addressed aspects of the therapy of each child, such as frequency, duration of treatment sessions, preparation time, problem definition, goals of therapy, involvement of parents, and evaluation of therapy goals. The answers to the questions about problem definition and therapy goals were analyzed and scored according to the percentage of the answer that referred tofunctionalskills. A problem definition that consisted of 3 parts, for example, in which 1 problem was a functional skill (e.g, problems with dressing) and 2 problems were impairments (e.g, increased muscle tone and contractures) was scored as 33%. Intraclass correlation coefficients, used to determine interrater reliability and intrarater reliability of the percentage of the problem definition that referred to functional skills, were Foundtobe0.80and0.81,respectively.39 Fifty percent to fall problem definitions were scored by 2 evaluators, and these problem definitions were also scored twice by 1 evaluator, with a 1-month period between scorings.