„Few idle talk, let loose us quickly, otherwise my color bamboo forest Elder, will not have forgiven you lightly.” That is disciple of head, threatens Chu Feng unexpectedly.
„You know that after my Chu Feng competes with, actually does not press the gambling to make the fate of conduct, is what?” Chu Feng does not pay attention to that person, but is grasps single-handed, condenses a dagger, is disciple of head walks to that.
„” At this moment, audience opium silent, nobody replied, but all people realized that Chu Feng could make the astonishing action.
„Do you know?” Finally, Chu Feng arrived at that is the first disciple side, the squatting lower part of the body, the dagger in that hand, before having placed the mouth of that disciple, asking of smiling.
„What do you want to make? Do not act unreasonably, otherwise”
But that disciple, the words have not said that the dagger in Chu Feng hand, changes to the cold brightness, the mouth chin of that disciple, stiffly cuts to cutting.
„Since spoke including fart were inferior that did want the mouth what to use?” Chu Feng said.