As technology advances, information in different
organizations of Bangladesh can no more be maintained
manually. There is a growing need for the information to become
computerized so that it can be suitably stored. This is where
databases come into the picture. Databases are convenient
storage systems which can store large amounts of data and
together with application programs such as interfaces they can
aid in faster retrieval of data. An initiative was taken to design a
complete database system for a hospital management such as
Bangladesh Institute of Research and rehabilitation in Diabetes,
Endocrine and Metabolic disorders (BIRDEM) in Dhaka so that
its information can be stored, maintained, updated and retrieved
conveniently and efficiently. The existing information in
BIRDEM is partly computerized via databases only in patients’
admissions, doctors’ appointments and medical tests and reports
sections. A partly slow and tedious manual system still exists in
BIRDEM for example, in record of ambulances in service,
assigning ward boys and nurses to rooms, the billing process and
record of doctors’ prescriptions etc. However, this paper outlines
one complete database design for the entire BIRDEM hospital in
which data maintenance and retrieval are in perfect harmony
and speedy. Sample SQL-based queries executed on the designed
system are also demonstrated.