I believe all people are born with their own dreams. Some people want to be an astronaut some are want to be a flight attendant so these are kind of dreams. I have my own dream too. It was started by a small thing which called "passion". Every time I go to hospitals I meet the women with white uniform, They look clam with the kindness in their faces and their eyes but also strong and patience in the same time. Yes, they are nurses. Nurse is an honorable and valuable career . It is important like medical jobs because it is called the job with devotement for others not yourselves. They have to concentrate and take care both of other lives or minds. They have to be patient and calm with the pantients' problems, chaos, pain and disease they must make them better in the healthy ways these are ther reasons why I want to be a nurse. Being passed through the Faculty of nursing is only just my first step but my highest step, in my opinion, is when I devote my life for others, for the patients ,when I am successful in my job of taking care of others then that is all. That is my goal!