4. Attempt to interview store management or one of the retail clerks to find out what the product really is (you may not always be successful in this attempt!) If you fail to find out, please select another product whose identity can be explained to you.
5. After finding out what the product is, consider whether or not the product would be marketable in the United States. Place yourself in the role of the product manager who is searching for products to import to the United States. Be prepared to describe why or why not you would want to proceed with this product:
a. Give the pros and cons
b. Tell if the product would be standardized, adapted, or completely changed
c. Discuss the types of data that you would want in order to make your presentation to management. Remember, your decision is simply a preliminary call whether to proceed with a market investigation!!
6. Be sure to include all this information in your report. Be prepared to speak about 5-10 minutes on what you found.
7. Please hand in the product to me with your paper. I will return them to you, unless you want to donate them to future classes. Please indicate your choice on your paper.