Since we launched paid bumps (and disabled "free" bumps) we've seen a big increase in Amulet ads inserted. The assumption that they are trying to bump for free was verified by the few sellers we called and asked to stop.
The measures we took to reduce the duplicates (insert - delete - insert same ad):
Moderate Amulets ads during night shift (take out the benefit of adding new ads)
CAPTCHA for amulet ads on web
Call abusive listers
It seems there is a small impact on ad inserts in Amulet category. We should continue monitoring the results.
Please see attached other categories with an increase (small / medium) in ads inserts. It is calculated by ads per lister per category.
These are the categories we need to monitor:
Home decoration
mobile tablet
Let me know if you have any questions or if you want me to show you how to look at these stats on MicroStrategy (look for dashboard 008. By Category)
Avner Zakai