The park is situated in the area with transitional continental climate, while only the highest part is with typical mountain climate. Mean annual temperature in Sliven is 12.4ºC, during the coldest month (January) is 1.2ºC while the hottest
(July) is 23.2ºC. At the top of the mountain around “Sinite kamani” resort mean annual temperature is 7.7ºC, the hottest month has 17.4ºC and the coldest -2ºC. Annual amount of precipitation rises from 587 mm in Sliven to 830 at the top of the mountain. The soils in the lower part of the park are luvisols while in the upper they are replaced by cabmisols. There are a lot of places, predominantly with luvisols, where the soils are eroded. The vegetation in the lower part is represented by oak forests, which were strongly influenced by human activity in the past and partially replaced by shrubs
of Carpinus orientalis, Quercus pubescens and Fraxinus ornis. Upward the mountain is the area of hornbeam-oak belt communities –forest of Carpinus betulus, Quercus dalechampii and Fagus silvatica