Study Subjects and Setting
All women at the beginning of their second trimester were in formed by researchers at the hospital clinic of the possibility of taking part in the study if they had a physician diagnosis of back pain. The inclusion criteria were as follows:
1) presence of LBP diagnosed by a physician
2)aged 20 to 35 years
3) 12 to 24 weeks’ gestation
4) no history of LBP or lumbar pathology before pregnancy
5)visual ana logscale(VAS) score(to assess the degree of painat the time of diagnosis) of 4 or greater on a scale of 10
6) no other contraindication,such as heart disease, chronic obstructive lung disease, diabetes mellitus,incompetent cervix/cerclage,multiple gestation,risk of premature labor, preeclampsia/pregnancy-induced hypertension, thrombophlebitis, pulmonary embolism, intrauterine growth restriction, or serious blood disease; 7) no history of abortion or curettage; 8) resident in the city of Izmir, Turkey;9)ownacompactdisc(CD)playerathome;10)aprimaryschoolgraduate;and11)nohearingdeficit.Participants wereassignedrandomlytotheinterventionorcontrolgroups usingarandomnumbertable.