a b s t r a c t
The objective of the current study was to use sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) for enhancing the lethality of
organic acids against Salmonella enterica, so that lower concentrations of organic acids can effectively
eliminate the pathogen from chicken surfaces. Cell suspension of S. enterica Kentucky was prepared,
attached into the skin and treated by dipping in organic acids (Lactic, Levulinic, and Acetic; 10e20 g/kg),
SDS (5e10 g/kg) or their combinations for 1e3 min. Lactic acid revealed the highest bactericidal efficacy,
however, levulinic acid showed the lowest bactericidal efficacy. Different combinations of SDS with
organic acids resulted in synergistic inactivation of S. enterica Kentucky attached to chicken skin. More
than 5 log reduction of S. enterica Kentucky were achieved by combinations of lactic acid or acetic acid
with SDS. Sensory characteristics of chicken drumsticks treated with the most effective combinations of
organic acids and SDS were satisfactory. Therefore, combining organic acids specially lactic or acetic with
SDS might be suitable for application by chicken processors for effective decontamination of chicken
carcasses or cuts.