Twenty-seven grams (80%) of oil extracted from 100 g of seed kernels.
Smaller particle size is found to give higher yields. Sonication
is an efficient way for breaking up bigger particles into smaller
ones. It is found that using sonication for 5 min, 29 gm (85%) of
oil extracted from 100 g of seed kernels. Effect of sonication on
oil yield is shown in Table 1. The novel approach of combining a recently
developed technique of TPP with sonication constitutes an
efficient procedure for obtaining oil from Jatropha seed kernels. It
should be added that unlike the soxhlet extraction, which is carried
out for 24 h, the method developed here takes only about 2 h.
Property analysis of prepared Jatropha oil was done which is
shown in below Table 2. Commercial grade Jatropha oil was obtained
from Gujarat Growellagro Forestry Private Limited,