4.2.2. Person-job fit
Another potential area that impinges on the work life of the hospitality employees was the fit between the person performing the job and the job being performed. Primarily the related themes that emerged in this category was that, employees’ would like to be placed in a job matching his/her qualification and interest. An apprehension of misfit seemed to bother a majority of the potential employees and also a few recent recruits. An excerpt of the response echoes this.
“…actually I had applied for a position in front office for which I am qualified and am interested in, but I am placed in the housekeeping department, with an excuse that there is a shortage of staff in housekeeping, and I would be soon transferred to the front office. I feel I am a total misfit for the housekeeping department… would have enjoyed my job as a front office staff… this is demeaning…” (E24: Person-job misfit).
Such emotions corroborates with the job fit theory that; each individual possesses unique dispositions, abilities, and experiences that determine the type of job she or he is drawn to and most suited for (Starks, 2007). Considering this frame, respondents in this study expressed their displeasure in case of a mismatch between their interest and job requirements, as was also evident from the responses to the open-ended statement; “I would dislike a workplace…”, capturing phrases like ‘places me in a job that suits my background’, ‘assigns job that interests me’.