Songkran is Sunday, 13 April 2014 to Tuesday, 15 April 2014 with an extra bank/government holiday on Wednesday 16 April, 2014
Monday, 13 April 2015 to Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Songkran is the festival that marks the beginning of the New Year in the traditional Thai calendar. It used to be held on the full moon of the eleventh month, which coincided with the beginning of the northern spring, when the sun started moving northwards. These days the date is fixed, and each year the festival is held over three days from April 13-15 (though it may begin earlier and end later, depending on the year and the region). Festivals similar to Songkran are held at about the same time in Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, and in the Yunnan region of South-West China. The name Songkran (สงกรานต์) comes from the Sanskrit ‘sankranta’, meaning a move or change.