3.5 Ice crystal size analysis
Values of ice crystal equivalent diameter at 50% of the cumulative distribution (X50) and
slope at these X50 valueswere used to characterize ice crystal size distributions (Table 4).
There were no significant differences in these values before heat shock (P>0.05),which
showed that the presence of stabilizers in ice cream had no direct effect on ice crystal
distribution after hardening, as has been reported by other studies (Miller-Livney and
Table 3 The effect of type and concentration of stabilizers on colloidal properties of ice cream mix and ice
Formulation Fat globule size (d4,3) mix Fat globule/aggregate size (d4,3) ice cream
No stabilizer 0.82±0.11c 1.37±0.47c
0.1% BSG 23.6±5.71b 6.37±2.09b
0.1% CMC/guar 0.69±0.053c 1.10±0.26c
0.2% BSG 53.7±7.79a 22.49±3.76a
0.2% CMC/guar 0.73±0.092c 1.18±0.13c
Different letters in a column represent significant differences, P