Anna: My parents gave me $3000 for graduation
Will: Wow! What are you going to do with all that cash?
Anna: I don't know I'm going around in circles about it, driving myself and everyone else crazy At first l was going to do something really indulgent with it, like take a vacation. I was ready to book it, but then I got cold feet.
Will: Why? think a vacation sounds like a great idea. You've worked really hard for four years. You deserve a break.
Anna: That's true. But on the other hand, don't want to spend all that money on something that will be over in a week. So, then was thinking of buying something useful, like a used car.
Will: That's a good idea
Anna: Yeah. It would be a great convenience to have a car. But at the same time, I'm used to taking public transportation, and l really don't mind it. Frankly, can't think of anything that l really need. So maybe should put the money aside for a rainy day
Will: Well, yes, suppose the alternative would be to just put it in the bank and let it earn interest until you need it.
Anna: Right. But then again, what's the point in having money i you're not enjoying it? Maybe l should do something indulgent with it ke take that vacation
Will: Now see how you're driving everyone crazy