Based on the experimental results it can be concluded that RS
can be successfully incorporated into gluten free breads, even at
high doses. The addition of RS in MGFB’s causes no increase in
crumb firmness and promotes crumb elasticity and porosity
development. Based on the RSM analysis, a MGFB of 15 g/100 g
flour RS, 10 g/100 g flour protein content and 85 g/100 g flour water
results in low crumb firmness values and acceptable elasticity and
porosity. The attempt of optimizing the production of GFB supplemented
with RS and carob flour proved to be successful. Water
influences significantly the structural and textural properties of
GFB’s, since it affects crumb firmness and crumb surface characteristics.
An increase in water content diminishes crumb firmness
and leads to an open cell structure. Based on the RSM analysis a
combination of carob/water content ratio of 15/140, additionally
containing 15 g/100 g flour RS and 10 g/100 g flour protein is
considered to give a soft bread with a fluffy crumb, which can meet
celiac patients needs.