3. Results
3.1. Stand structure and growth
The trees have well developed, regular boles. Crowns are
well balanced, covering the upper third of the bole, which
usually has no dead branches in the lower part. Height growth is
regular. Underwood is sparse and usually consists of grasses
where stand density is lower.
The structural profile is multi-stratified (Fig. 1). The stands
consist of small groups of trees of different age and size
(Table 1). Each small group is even-aged and covers an area of
60–100 m2. These patches have irregular shapes. Crown cover
is 60%. Tree distribution in diameter classes starting from
17.5 cm shows a decreasing trend (Fig. 2).
Fig. 3 shows the stand parameters recorded for the six
subplots before and after felling. Before harvesting the average
number of trees per hectare was 1147, with 23.1 cm dbh and a
standing volume of 445.7 m3 ha1. Considering only the trees
with dbh 17.5 cm (diameter class 20 cm), there was an