Experiment III – determination of exudate activity
study also investigated whether allelopathically active com-
were naturally exuded from C. australis and P. crispus into
surrounding medium, in this case lake water. Fresh macrophytes
were carefully washed free of debris and attached algae with
water then submerged in lake water (20 g FW 2 L
) and incubated
for 48 h in eight different small glass aquaria (four replicates
each macrophyte). Four controls were also prepared by incubating
the same volume of the lake water without macrophytes. The
water was subsequently filtered over glass filters (GF/C
and isopore polycarbonate membrane filters (0.22 m
size, Millipore) to remove suspended particles and possible
contaminants. The filtrates (100 mL) were added to four
250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks (for each macrophyte and for
control) containing 50 mL BG-11 medium inoculated by A. variabilis
at an initial cell density of 7 × 10
cells mL
. Nutrient levels
the site of field collection (Symes, P., pers. comm. March 2012), as
as nutrients in the BG-11 medium, were high enough to support
the growth of microalgae throughout the experiment, hence
nutrients were not required. The flasks were kept in the
room for 10 d. The algal cell densities were counted every second
using a haemocytometer to determine numbers of cells mL
2.3.3. Experiment III – determination of exudate activityOur study also investigated whether allelopathically active com-pounds were naturally exuded from C. australis and P. crispus intothe surrounding medium, in this case lake water. Fresh macrophyteswere carefully washed free of debris and attached algae withtap water then submerged in lake water (20 g FW 2 L) and incubatedfor 48 h in eight different small glass aquaria (four replicatesfor each macrophyte). Four controls were also prepared by incubatingthe same volume of the lake water without macrophytes. Theincubation water was subsequently filtered over glass filters (GF/CWhatman) and isopore polycarbonate membrane filters (0.22 mpore size, Millipore) to remove suspended particles and possiblebacterial contaminants. The filtrates (100 mL) were added to fourreplicate 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks (for each macrophyte and forthe control) containing 50 mL BG-11 medium inoculated by A. variabilisat an initial cell density of 7 × 106cells mL−1. Nutrient levelsat the site of field collection (Symes, P., pers. comm. March 2012), aswell as nutrients in the BG-11 medium, were high enough to supportthe growth of microalgae throughout the experiment, henceadditional nutrients were not required. The flasks were kept in theCT room for 10 d. The algal cell densities were counted every secondday using a haemocytometer to determine numbers of cells mL−1−1.
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