Education influence of Benzyladenine on pups induction in Bromeliads Neoregelia CV. “OH!NO!” Objective to study the level of concentration of the substance Benzyladenine at appropriate per induction in Bromeliads. The experiment was designed by completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 replications consisted at the rate of fertilizer five treatments i.e. 1. Control treatments (no substance benzyladenine) 2. Insert substance benzyladenine 10 ppm 3. Insert substance benzyladenine 20 ppm 4. Insert substance benzyladenine 30 ppm 5. Insert substance benzyladenine 40 ppm. The results showed that the use of insert substance benzyladenine 20 ppm No difference was statistically significant with all treatments by insert substance benzylademine 20 ppm with induction most.