The intake of FB was different (P < 0.001) depending on ingredients composition (Table 3).
Fat intake was greater (P = 0.001) for AC goats relative to ACT, ACC, and ACB.
Total and alfalfa hay DMI were not affected (P ≥ 0.61) by the inclusion of FB in the diet, resulting in similar (P ≥ 0.07) total intakes of OM, CP, NDF and ADF.
Apparent digestibility of DM (P = 0.02) and OM (P = 0.02) decreased for diets including tomato and cucumber-based FB with no difference between AC and ACB.
The apparent digestibility of fat decreased (P = 0.05) in animals fed diets including tomato and barley-based FB with no difference between AC and ACC.
The apparent digestibility of CP, NDF, and ADF was similar for all the studied diets