much higher, and for dental workers much smaller, than for
medical and for industrial workers. The average length of
follow-up is 14 years, as calculated by dividing the number
of person-years by the number of people.
The standardized incidence ratios for males, females,
and both sexes combined are shown in tables 4, 5, and 6,
respectively. The excess relative risks for males and for
both sexes combined are shown in table 7. For many can-
cer types the excess relative risk estimate has unrealisti-
cally wide confidence intervals, or the excess relative risk
could not be estimated because the likelihood function had
no true maximum. This was caused by the lack of a clear
dose trend, often because there were very few high doses.
In table 7, the only cancer types listed are those for which
more than five cases have a cumulative dose exceeding 4.9
mSv and for which an excess relative risk estimate was
found. This excludes most cancer types with very wide
much higher, and for dental workers much smaller, than formedical and for industrial workers. The average length offollow-up is 14 years, as calculated by dividing the numberof person-years by the number of people. The standardized incidence ratios for males, females,and both sexes combined are shown in tables 4, 5, and 6,respectively. The excess relative risks for males and forboth sexes combined are shown in table 7. For many can-cer types the excess relative risk estimate has unrealisti-cally wide confidence intervals, or the excess relative riskcould not be estimated because the likelihood function hadno true maximum. This was caused by the lack of a cleardose trend, often because there were very few high doses.In table 7, the only cancer types listed are those for whichmore than five cases have a cumulative dose exceeding 4.9mSv and for which an excess relative risk estimate wasfound. This excludes most cancer types with very wide
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