4. affect affect views
Because of the beauty of the water can be used as a place to unwind.
Or entertainment activities.
5. the causes of changes of ecological damage from the foul water smell.
How to prevent water pollution problems.
1. cultivate awareness to young people in learning and appreciation of conservation of water.
2. create awareness to the public recognizes the importance in maintaining the quality of the water source.
3. campaigning, agencies Organizations with the treatment and elimination of toxic substances before they are released into the water.
4. the campaign to help reduce water consumption and to reduce the amount of household waste.
5. help prevent polluted water damage. Do not leave garbage and sewage, or toxins into the water or sewer.
Waste or polluted water caused problems with water pollution, mainly caused by the actions of human beings.
Convey knowledge to the children. Youth, including parents and the general public
Is aware of the consequences and polluted water, waste prevention is recognized correctly.
Water pollution is a problem solving method and infallibly have sustainable results.