The Spanish on the other hand have a direct and effective communication style. They tend to prefer using gestures when speaking and will be more likely to say what they think than their British counterparts. As a result, their British counterparts often perceive them to be loud, interruptive and confrontational.
Uncertainty Avoidance: Is it Worth the Risk?
Another significant difference between Spanish and British culture is the attitude they each have towards risk and uncertainty. The Spanish tend to avoid unknown or difficult situations at all costs and will stick with what they know and already master. Conversely, their British counterparts are typically more comfortable dealing with new or untested solutions.
This difference can create problems on both a cultural and organisational level. Identifying and implementing new strategies or processes or how rules are applied and adhered to within the organisation are just some areas which will be affected by this cultural difference. Attitudes to risk and uncertainty will also impact the way projects are planned and measures of health and safety.
Time: Today or Mañana?
Another key difference between the UK and Spain is how time is perceived and managed. People in Spain tend to be polychronic which means they are comfortable with multitasking, do not always respect deadlines and may reprioritize their schedule at the last minute. In the UK, it’s really important to respect deadlines and they appreciate agendas and concrete plans.