I am writing to submit the results of the phylogenetic tree for Ostreopsis from Thailand. Please have a look attached file. This analyses were conducted following the guidance of Dr. Sato as below
- LSU D8/D10 rDNA sequences were aligned by using the Clustal W D8D10 sequence alignment of Dr. Sato as model.
- LSU D1/D2 rDNA sequences were aligned using two software: Clustal W and MAFFT.
- ITS-5.8S rDNA sequence were aligned using MAFFT software. Indeed, Dr. Sato suggested me that ITS-5.8S rDNA sequence should be tested by ITS secondary structure analysis, but I cloud not be accomplished.
Subseqencely, all aligned sequences were automatically improved by using G-block or TrimAL softwares. In this report, I had already shown the phylogenetic tree obtained by using each software.