Adequate moisture is essential for microbial activity.
Materials in a dry compost pile will not decompose
efficiently. If rainfall is limited, the pile must be
watered periodically to maintain a steady decomposi-
tion rate. Enough water should be added to com-
pletely moisten the pile, but overwatering should be
avoided. Excessive moisture can lead to anaerobic
conditions, slowing down the degradation process
and causing foul odors. The pile should be watered
enough that it is damp but does not remain soggy.
Approximately 50 to 55 percent moisture on a weight
basis is a good starting point. The compost is within
the right moisture range if a few drops of water can
be squeezed from a handful of material. If no water
can be squeezed out, the materials are too dry. If
water gushes out, they are too wet