So by now, most of you have had a chance to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier, a great movie, as everyone can agree. While it doesn’t quite reach the heights of Iron Man 3, due mostly to the script not being nearly as clever (for one thing, it’s a mystery story where the mystery is painfully easy to solve), it definitely continues Marvel’s streak of every post-Avengers movie being a fearless game changer that one-ups its predecessor. Chris Evans continues to be the best casting decision the studio has made, the action is energetic and fun, and the story keeps to the simplistically cheesy but sincere spirit of the character. It’s just a damn fine popcorn flick. It is also, as I noticed on a second viewing, super-gay.
Not in the pejorative sense of the word, but a literal one. The film hits Fast and Furious levels of gay. It hits 300 levels of gay. It’s so gay, it makes Elsa from Frozen look straight.
The gay subtext of the film is so blatant, I’m rather surprised I didn’t notice it sooner. Our hero is consistently chaste and seemingly uninterested in both of the women throwing themselves at him, yet instantly forms a connection with Falcon, with whom he has far more chemistry. Both men have just lost their “partners”, and Falcon spends almost every scene practically making bedroom eyes at Cap. And the movie ends with Falcon (and only Falcon) at Cap’s hospital bedside playing their song (a Marvin Gaye song, no less). This is easily the most homoerotic superhero film since Batman & Robin.