2.2.5. Consumer Sensory Evaluation of Nunu. Nunu products prepared by fermentation with different starter cultures were
served to 35 volunteered untrained panelists (drawn from them Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University for Development Studies and the Navrongo Community) who are familiar with Nunu.The panel independently, in separate sensory evaluation booths, evaluated the various products for their sensory qualities including taste, colour/appearance, odour, texture, and overall acceptability, using a nine-point hedonic scale (1, 5, and 9 represent dislike extremely, neither like nor dislike, and like extremely, resp.). All eleven Nunu products were presented to the panelists randomly placed side-by-side, with each panelist receiving 2 rounds of each product and water for rinsing. Spontaneously fermented Nunu (without added known starter culture) served as control sample. Before tasting the products, panelists were asked to evaluate the