still alive now in Abu-Dhabi. ALHAMDULILLAH
my phone has been dying for 3 days
beause I haven't used it durig those times
I was stuck in that area inside Paris TT
Im now using the computer at this airport
thats why I can only type in English.
My facebook messenger couldn't be turning on
to see some of your messages, apologised for this.
will be updating more 'bout my life status
I would love to thanks all of you guys
for your careness and the Duar you have made.
I truely believe, that's themain reason why I am still alive
thanks abang Musa Anucha Wansoh
for always stading beside and helping me
all the time I need
Thanks Jalal Naser Faqiryar for everything
and those encouragements you gave
and most importantly,
thanks dad and mom for always believing in me
without you both, I'm for sure powerless haha
I have no any which words to say