Electrochemical water treatment system
The electrochemical water treatment system consists of a power supply(TENGs), a reactor(10 ml) and electrode plates. After being transformed and rectified, the self powered as power source were connected to the electrochemical reactor. The experimental setup is shown in Figure 2a, in which the distance between cathode and anode was set as 2 cm. The MMO Ti RGo electrode plates were made from commercial MMO Ti plates by electrode positing reduced graphene oxide(RGO) on the surface. The reduced graphene oxide film was fabricated in the 1.0 mg mL graphene oxide colloidal dispersion, which was exfo liated from the prepared graphite oxide powder in a 0.067 M pH 9.18 phosphate buffer solutions by ultrasonication. The formation of RGo film on the MMO-Ti plate was directly confirmed by the SEM image shown in Figure 2b. the graphene coating is very stable as a result of its poor insolubility in common solvents[28]. Graphene has a unique two-dimensional(2D) hexagonat lattice structure of sp hybridized carbon atoms. owing to these unique properties and biocompatibility, the destruc tive interactions of graphene and microbes have been widely investigated[9] The RGo nanosheets can press the proliferation of microbes on their surfaces even in an environment that is highly suitable for microbial growth. As shown in Figure 2c, the bacteria and algae in the vicinity of MMO-Ti-RGO electrode plates are electroporated by a strong electric field. This system has another effect mechanism: reactive chlorine species enhanced the removal efficiency of bacteria and algae. The principle electrolysis reactions are as follows: