when NaCl concentrations were higher, EC decreased. As reported by
Lawal (2004), the positive effect of salt ions is due to the increase in protein
solubility. The increase of ionic strength, up to 100 mM, enhanced
unfolding of proteins and subsequent exposure of functional groups to
the environment. Therefore, proteins are able to interact with water
and oil phases forming more stable emulsions. However, screening
effect exceeds the benefits of unfolding over 100 mM NaCl and EC
when NaCl concentrations were higher, EC decreased. As reported byLawal (2004), the positive effect of salt ions is due to the increase in proteinsolubility. The increase of ionic strength, up to 100 mM, enhancedunfolding of proteins and subsequent exposure of functional groups tothe environment. Therefore, proteins are able to interact with waterand oil phases forming more stable emulsions. However, screeningeffect exceeds the benefits of unfolding over 100 mM NaCl and ECdecreases.
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