“Did you have a n-nightmare?” he asked, closing his eyes against the Servamp’s warm embrace. Kuro slowly let a sigh out, and cuddled more into the Eve’s warm body. “Kuro?”
“Yeah…I d-did,” the Servamp whispered out, feeling like if he talked about it, the memories of the nightmare would comeback, and haunt him again. Clutching Mahiru more, Kuro nodded against his shoulder.
“Do you w-wanna talk about it?” Mahiru asked, and when Kuro tensed slightly, Mahiru shut his mouth. Pulling away slightly, Kuro glanced in Mahiru’s eyes, and saw fear, but also something else. It was concern. “Kuro…?”
Loosening his hold a little more, Kuro looked Mahiru straight in the face as he thought. Why is he doing this? I almost killed him? I just proved how much of a monster I am, so why is he still concerned? Shaking his head, Kuro rubbed Mahiru’s hair back softly, trying to avoid the bumps on his head.
“Why are you d-doing this? I just almost killed you…You might even not trust me anymore! And I don’t blame you…b-but why?” Kuro asked, trying not to let his voice crack as he held back sobs. Mahiru looked up at the questioing look the Servamp gave him, and frowned. Kuro suddenly blinked in shock when Mahiru gave him a soft accepting smile. “Wha..?”
“My Uncle told me that there is no bad people in this world…sure they do bad things, but that’s only because they are scared to do the right things,” Mahiru told him, and Kuro gave him a look like he didn’t believe a word he just muttered. But Mahiru continued on. “You’re really nice Kuro, and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I understand that nightmares can make you do something you don’t actually want to do. You were scared, so you lashed out. It’s okay Kuro. I forgive you.”