In ruminants, tannins
can have beneficial effects if they are present in the diet at moderate
concentrations (Patra and Saxena, 2011). In fact, when ewes
and cows were fed on diets containing less than 4% of tannins on
dry matter basis, they had higher retention of nitrogen and lower
plasma urea concentrations, as a consequence of the ability of tannin
to preserve feed protein from rumen microbial degradation
(Frutos et al., 2004a,b; Min et al., 2003). A recent study on dairy
cows reported that hydrolysable tannins extracted from chestnut
wood positively affected animal health, by inhibiting lipid peroxidation
and by increasing antioxidant enzymes activities in plasma
and liver, without worsening their milk production
In ruminants, tanninscan have beneficial effects if they are present in the diet at moderateconcentrations (Patra and Saxena, 2011). In fact, when ewesand cows were fed on diets containing less than 4% of tannins ondry matter basis, they had higher retention of nitrogen and lowerplasma urea concentrations, as a consequence of the ability of tanninto preserve feed protein from rumen microbial degradation(Frutos et al., 2004a,b; Min et al., 2003). A recent study on dairycows reported that hydrolysable tannins extracted from chestnutwood positively affected animal health, by inhibiting lipid peroxidationand by increasing antioxidant enzymes activities in plasmaand liver, without worsening their milk production
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