This mixed methods study (Creswell, 2003) was conducted at a comprehensive public
university in the Southeastern U.S. during the Fall 2012 and Spring 2013 semesters. The case, or
unit of analysis, examined here was the collective group of undergraduate pre-service teachers
enrolled in five sections of the on-campus elementary social studies methods course. Therefore,
the subjects shared experiences (see Table 2) were bounded within the implemented course
design. Enrollment for each course was self-selected by subjects. Within their program of study,
elementary pre-service teachers participate in a cohort program whereby they complete methods
courses during their first semester of the senior year. This cohort-based semester immediately
precedes the full-time student teaching internship. In addition to the social studies methods
course under study, pre-service teachers are enrolled in science, language arts, cultural arts, and
mathematics methods courses. They concurrently complete field observations and implement
instructional lessons in these content areas in local elementary classrooms, totaling 120 hours.
Due to their comprehensive fieldwork, there were 10 discrete course sessions during the
semester, each lasting 2 hours, 45 minutes.