Little direct information on organic contaminant persistence exists beyond sodium fluoroacetate, p-dichlorobenzene and chlordane. However, these three contaminants represent a wide range of octanol water partition coefficientwith log Kow values of−0.061, 3.4 and 6.2 for sodium fluoroacetate, p-dichlorobenzene and chlordane, respectively. As Kow increases, the propensity for a chemical to associate with octanol
(and not with water) increases, which can be used as a proxy for the tendency of a chemical to associate with a solid surface, like drinking water infrastructure, and not dissolve in water. Data is available on
chlordane and p-dichlorobenzene on cement-mortar and iron surfaces,
and with cement-mortar for sodium fluoroacetate. Future research
could focus on these three chemicals, and the resulting data could be extrapolated
to other chemicals with similar Kow values.