Sample Selection
The researcher used a purposive sampling for this study. Patton (2002) described
this type of sampling procedure as a way to not obtain an average opinion but instead
acquire precise information from participants because of their special circumstances or
characteristics. The criteria for the sample selection were rooted in the fact that this high
school publicly acknowledges its proficiency in the instruction and preparation of 21 st
century students. It is this type of public recognition of the high school’s educational
accomplishments in the area of 21 st century education that resulted in its participation in
this case study. The selected high school is an information rich environment that will
provide insight into teachers’ understanding of the district’s interpretation of a successful
21 st century learning program. Examining the school district’s educational initiatives will
emphasize its teachers’ capabilities and expertise in integrating 21 st century skills into the
content curriculum. The participants were chosen after several invitations were sent to
administration and various teachers in Social Studies, Mathematics and Science
departments. The three participants and one administrator expressed interest in
participating in the study. Through interviews of one administrator and three teachers, the
researcher gauged the level of understanding of all stakeholders, regarding 21 st century
educational literacy in the classroom. Observations of classroom instruction revealed to
the researcher if the vision of the district was reflected in the classroom instruction and
student learning.