Chapter 1. General information
1.1 Name of the vessel:
Note: Prefixes (MT, MV, SS etc.) must not be used unless they are actually a part of the registered name of the vessel. The name must be entered exactly as it appears on the Certificate of Registry.
1.2 IMO number: 1.3 Date of inspection:
Note: If the inspection extends to two or more days, record the circumstances in the chapter end Additional comments.
1.4 Port of inspection: 1.5 Flag:
If a change of flag has taken place within the past 6 months, record the date of change and the previous
flag in the chapter end Additional Comments.
1.6 Deadweight: (metric tonnes)
Note: For vessels with multiple load line certificates, record the maximum of the assigned deadweights.
1.7 Gross tonnage: 1.8 Date the vessel was delivered:
Any periods of lay up since delivery should be recorded in the chapter end Additional Comments.
Note: The date of delivery from the original builder as listed in the IOPPC must be recorded.
1.9 Name of the OCIMF inspecting company:
Note: The SIRE Report Editor software automatically inserts the name of the inspecting company.
1.10 Time the inspector boarded the vessel: 1.11 Time the inspector departed the vessel:
If the inspection took place over two or more days, in two or more sessions, or was carried out by more
than one inspector, record the arrival and departure details in the chapter end Additional Comments.
1.12 Name of the inspector:
Note: The VIQ software automatically inserts the name of the inspector. This is for use by the Inspecting Company and for OCIMF internal purposes only and will not be displayed on the delivered report.
1.13 Vessel’s operation at the time of the inspection:
Loading Discharging Bunkering Ballasting Deballasting At anchor Idle At sea River transit
Repairs afloat
In drydock STS loading STS discharging
1.14 Product(s) being handled:
Crude Oil Dirty
products (low flash)
products (high flash)
Clean petroleum products
Vegetable oils
Animal oils Chemicals
Liquefied gas
Other (specify)
Notes: A volatile product is petroleum having a flash point below 60
C as determined by the closed cup
method of testing.