The wealth index composes a household’s cumulative living
standard. DHS calculated the wealth index according to a household’s
ownership of selected assets, such as televisions, materials
used to build the house that the members of the household
dwelled, bicycles, and type of sanitation facility and water access.
The wealth index placed the household on a continuous scale of
relative wealth; DHS separated the entire household interviewed
into five wealth categories (MEASURE DHS, n.d.).
(37.1%) were still breastfeeding, and 105 (62.9%) were no
longer breastfeeding. The sample for duration of breastfeeding
only included the 105 participants who were not still
breastfeeding (if the woman was still breastfeeding, her duration
of breastfeeding was unknown.). The average duration
of breastfeeding was just over 13 months for women who
were not currently breastfeeding (M = 13.49, SD = 9.26).