Test keyboard accessibility
The best way to test your keyboard accessibility is to unplug your mouse or use the On-Screen Keyboard if you are using a tablet device. Test keyboard accessibility navigation by using the Tab key. You should be able to cycle through all interactive UI elements by using Tab key. For composite UI elements, verify that you can navigate among the parts of elements by using the arrow keys. For example, you should be able to navigate lists of items using keyboard keys. Finally, make sure that you can invoke all interactive UI elements with the keyboard once those elements have focus, typically by using the Enter or Spacebar key.
Verify the contrast ratio of visible text
Use color contrast tools to verify that the visible text contrast ratio is acceptable. The exceptions include inactive UI elements, and logos or decorative text that doesn’t convey any information and can be rearranged without changing the meaning. See Accessible text requirements for more information on contrast ratio and exceptions. See Techniques for WCAG 2.0 G18 (Resources section) for tools that can test contrast ratios.