Three curves describe the forward reach from the front of the body for both arms together at different heights of the hands above the floor. Distances are in centimeters (cm) and inches(in.). No bending or leaning forward was permitted. The three curves describe forward reach capability at 15, 30, and 46 cm (6,12, and 18 in.) to the right of the body’s centerline. Reaches greater than 46 cm (18 in.) to the right could not be done because the left arm could not reach that far. The dark line at 112 cm (44 in.) illustrates ,by its intersection with the three curves, how forward reach decreases as the arm moves laterally ; it falls from 51cm (20 in.) to 36 cm (14 in.) with a 46-cm (18-in.) move to the right of centerline. Forward reach is only marginally shorter for two-handed tasks than it is for one-handed tasks within the 46 - cm (18-in.) Lateral limit (see Figure 5), except at the lowest and highest points above the floor.