Beside the characterization, the second consideration in making up this short story is standard of character. The character, in this case is Mrs. Baroda must fulfill the standard in order to make story more life. The standard consists of two aspects, such as life like and relevance. a) Characters are expected to be lifelike. What we mean by lifelikeness is the things that implies similarities between fictional and reality in our daily life. In the story, the characterization of Mrs. Baroda has fulfilled this aspect where we also can find this kind of character in our real life. b) A relevance of a character is what we refer to the fictional character is in relation to us. We can say that this story is relevance because the character in this case is Mrs. Baroda is described by the author just like a women in usual. What has been experienced by her, for instance, where she likes the other guy after her husband because of his appearance that might be more lovable and inoffensive fellow (is cited from page 1, line 28-29), this problem could be ever felt by us even, it might happened to us someday. That’s way I say that this story is quite relevance