A capacitive, conductive and methanol sensor composite have been prepared by a simple process of acidhydrolysis, using potential cellulose source extracted from a residue of banana stem. The material washydrolyzed with sulphuric acid in the presence of carboxylated multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)to promoted chemical interaction among cellulose and carbon surface. With these material was prepareda paper film used to design an electrode. The cellulose/MWCNT composite was investigated using x-raydiffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy andsize measurement. The electrical properties were evaluated by cyclic voltammetry, impedance spec-troscopy, charge/discharge testing and simulation in an equivalent circuit. The gas sensor property wasevaluated by an experimental apparatus, measuring the electric current front exposure the electrode todifferent concentrations of methanol in different temperatures. The cellulose/MWCNT electrode displaysa strong dependence of a scan rate and potential range in capacitive properties. The chemical interactionarchived between MWCNT and cellulose is relevant to develop a flexible cellulose composite, with specificcapacitance of 3,08 mF/cm2as functional nanotube integration. The flexible electrode developed in thisstudy would be the ideal matrix to anchorage sensitive molecules and particles on specific applicationslike biosensor or electronic device.