The culture of C. militaris was carried out at the medium depth from 1.8 to 5.3 cm using bottles with an identical cross-sectional area and changing the medium volume from 100 to 300 ml. As shown in Fig. 6(a), the concentration of cordycepin obtained at the end of the culture period was at the same level for all the cases, but the time required to reach the constant value increased with the medium depth. In other words, the lower medium depth leads to a higher productivity over this experimental range. The data described above were re-plotted in Fig. 6(b), which correspond to the time course of the total cordycepin production. As a result, almost the same increas-ing patterns were observed for each case, while the biofilm mass at the end of the culture was proportional to the medium depth. These results suggest that the thickness of the effective biofilm for cordycepin production is equal over a medium depth range from 1.8 to 5.3 cm, namely, the utilization efficiency of the biofilm decreases with an increase in the medium depth over this experimental range. The most effective point might be found at a lower medium depth than that of this experiment if further investigations are physically possible.
The culture of C. militaris was carried out at the medium depth from 1.8 to 5.3 cm using bottles with an identical cross-sectional area and changing the medium volume from 100 to 300 ml. As shown in Fig. 6(a), the concentration of cordycepin obtained at the end of the culture period was at the same level for all the cases, but the time required to reach the constant value increased with the medium depth. In other words, the lower medium depth leads to a higher productivity over this experimental range. The data described above were re-plotted in Fig. 6(b), which correspond to the time course of the total cordycepin production. As a result, almost the same increas-ing patterns were observed for each case, while the biofilm mass at the end of the culture was proportional to the medium depth. These results suggest that the thickness of the effective biofilm for cordycepin production is equal over a medium depth range from 1.8 to 5.3 cm, namely, the utilization efficiency of the biofilm decreases with an increase in the medium depth over this experimental range. The most effective point might be found at a lower medium depth than that of this experiment if further investigations are physically possible.
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