Fresh samples of MMP and those stored in different package were
reconstituted with of 4.5 times its weights potable water in mixer.
The stored dried mango milk powder samples were reconstituted
after every 2 months of storage up to 8 months. The physico-chemical
properties of reconstituted mango milk drink (RMMD) are presented
in Tables 4 and 5 and Figs. 4 and 5. The pH of mango milk drink
reconstituted frommango milk powder decreasedwith advancing storage
period. The change in pH was faster in samples packed in polystyrene
containers than those in metalized polyester, 4-ply laminates and
tins. These results are consistent with those reported by Ranganadham
[21]; amino groups of protein get blocked in theMaillard reaction leading
to decreased pH. There was an increase in l and a value and decrease
in b value for color in reconstituted mango milk drink. Change in color
occurred faster at 30 °C than that a 5 °C