: As shown in Table 2, growth of all seedlings produced from treated seeds was significantly promoted than those produced from non-treated seeds in both 2011 and 2012 seasons. As for instance, seedling height increased significantly by 21.2, 29.3 and 47% in magnetized seeds, magnetized water and magnetized seeds+water, respectively in 2011, while the increase was by 21.1, 28.1 and 45%, respectively in 2012.Likewise, seedling leaf area increased by 15.2, 29.5 and 50.6% in treated seedlings in 2011 and by 21.2, 35.8 and 56.6% in 2012. This effect was more positive when seeds and water were both magnetized. Generally, no significant differences were found in the growth parameters of the seedlings produced from magnetized seeds only and those produced from magnetized water only