where Mt is the moisture content of desiccant at time t ( g water g−1 desiccant), t is time (h), Wi and Wt are the weight of desiccant (g) in the beginning and at time t. The preliminary experiments conducted showed that the weight of the desiccant increased continuously over time and no equilibrium was reached even after 41 days of storage at 10 ◦C and 96% RH. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that dissolution of powdered desiccant occurred due to moisture gain during 24 h of storage. The degree of moisture gain is associated with desiccant type. Therefore, the moisture uptake was measured until the desiccant turned into the liquid form. Although there was no clear dissolution time for the desiccant, a 3-point scale (powder, transition and liquid) was used for visual observation of the desiccant during storage. The maximum moisture holding capacity of the absorber was determined by knowing the minimum time required to turn the powder form of the desiccant into liquid form.