So what is organizational communication? And what are we doing when we study
organizational communication? I want to try and answer these questions from two different
perspectives. First, we can talk about organizational communication as the communication that
happens within organizations. That is, all the communication activity you’ll see if you go to any
organization today: sending emails, writing memos, talking on the phone, having meetings (and
more meetings!), teleconferencing, video conferencing, speeches, presentations, and so on.
This is a more conventional approach, and I think is what comes to mind when people initially
think of organizational communication.
But I want to go deeper. I want to introduce an alternative, more sophisticated approach of
seeing organizations as communication. This can radically change how we understand human
interaction and organizational life, and it opens up exciting possibilities for research and
But first let’s say a bit more about the conventional approach to organizational communication,
which focuses on communication within organizations.
This perspective sees the organization as something like a container, and communication is
what flows within the container. If we extend the metaphor, we can see how communicating is
then shaped by the structure of the organization, in the same way liquids take the shape of
their physical containers. And by the “shape” of the container we can mean the physical shape
of the organization, like if you have to take the elevator up ten floors to deliver a report to your
boss…or more of a symbolic shape, like where you are in the organizational hierarchy and how
this influences the way you communicate with other organizational members.
The key here is that the organization is seen as something that exists separately from
communication. So communication is “organizational” when it happens within these separate
structures we call organizations. This relates to what scholars call an informational view of
communication, because communication is all about transmitting information throughout the
“container” of the organization, and “ineffective communication” or “communication
breakdowns” are seen as technical problems…the right information didn’t get to the right
people in the right manner…someone didn’t get the memo, as people like to say.
And this is important stuff…it’s how the work of organizations gets done. From small
businesses and multinational corporations to nonprofits and government agencies…if
organizations don’t communicate the right information to the right people at the right times in2
the right ways things fall apart: directions aren’t followed, customers aren’t satisfied, clients
aren’t served, regulations aren’t obeyed, and general chaos ensures. And in certain high‐risk
organizations, like our military or your local fire department, getting the right information to
the right people is absolutely critical. So we certainly need effective communication within
But again, I want to go deeper…beyond this conventional view of organizational
communication… because as important as this conventional view is for the day‐to‐day
operations of organizations, I don’t think this view fully captures the complexities of organizing
and communicating in our society.
In a perfect world we could create more efficient structures of information sharing so that the
right people would always have the right information and miscommunication would be a thing
of the past. But a funny happened on the way to communication paradise. Turns out different
people interpret the exact same message very differently; that people can be deceptive in their
communication and their motives are incredibly difficult to figure out; that the meaning of
language changes depending on the context; that what you don’t communicate is often more
important that what you do communicate…or that what you say is often much less important
than how you say it; and that people often (if not usually) communicate for many other reasons
than to just transmit information. And these are not just aberrations…this is the normal state
of affairs for human interaction.
Why is it, after all, that “communication problems” are continually mentioned as one of the
main difficulties for most organizations? Is it just that people aren’t getting the right
information? If so, this is merely a technical problem that should improve as we develop new
ways to get better information to more people more efficiently. But it seems like almost the
opposite is happening…that the more sophisticated our communication technologies have
gotten over the years the more communication problems we have. Now why is that? Perhaps
it’s because there is more going on with communication than just transmitting information.
So in contrast to the first approach of communication within organizations, I want to offer an
alternative, more sophisticated approach to organizational communication: organizations as
communication. But this means we have to think very differently about both communication
and about organizations.
Instead of viewing communication as merely the transfer of information, this second approach
goes deeper and sees communication as the fundamental process that shapes our social reality.
Communication is not just about transmitting already‐formed data between senders and
receivers, but rather a complex process of continually creating and negotiating the meanings
and interpretations that shape our lives. Scholars call this a constitutive view of communication
because communication literally “constitutes,” or “makes up” our social world. More on this
later. 3
Additionally, this second approach of seeing organizations as communication questions the
very notion of “organization” in the first place. The first approach of communication in
organizations assumes there is this thing called “organization” that “exists” and we just focus
on the communication that happens inside. But what exactly is this thing called “organization?”
Where did it come from? Organizations aren’t natural…they don’t just “exist” in nature like
trees and mountains and rivers. They are created by people, and people have different values,
motivations, abilities, resources, etc. So organizations are never just neutral structures that
exist apart from human activity…they are the visible manifestations of human activity, of
And so at their core organizations are communicative. Think about it…an organization is
essentially an ongoing collection of interactions, decisions, messages, interpretations, symbols,
images, negotiations, agreements, contracts, relationships, and so forth. There’s nothing else
“there” that exists apart from communication. Well, let me qualify that just a bit. Certainly
there are other material or physical things “there,” like buildings, cubicles, computers, and
other equipment…and these things help “make up” the organization. But these things have no
inherent meaning apart from human interaction, nor can they have any impact in the real world
apart from the choices we make through communication. Similarly, the outcomes of
communication definitely have consequences in the material world. For example, you might be
thinking, “Hey, if I get laid off, it’s not just a matter of perception…it’s not just talk…there is a
stark reality I have to face.”
Yes, but how the decision to lay you off was made, and the meaning of that decision—whether
seen as cost‐cutting efficiency or ruthless bottom‐line thinking—and how you make sense of
this event are matters of communication…and the culmination of these communication
processes are what make organizations what they are. I’m not suggesting that organizations
exist in an imaginary land of perceptions and symbols and wishful thinking…like the material
world doesn’t matter, it’s all in your mind. No, no…this constitutive perspective of
organizations as communication is very‐much rooted in the material world of things and stuff.
But what I am suggesting is that these material things come together and have meaning as an
organization only through communication…thus leading us to the conclusion that organizations
exist as communication.
And my argument is that this second approach—organizations as communication—is a much
better perspective to guide our study of organizational communication. Now of course we
need effective communication within organizations…that’s a given. But if we limit ourselves to
just this perspective we miss important opportunities for deeper insight and understanding.
But why complicate things with a more sophisticated approach? After all, conventions become
conventional for good reason…and conventional views usually have a lot of practical value.
What do we gain with an alternative approach? I’m sure by now there are some objections in
favor of the conventional view of communication within organizations I described earlier. After
all, the container metaphor seems to describe how most of us actually experience
organizational communication much of the time, and the physical reality of organizations (you4
know, buildings, computers, equipment, stuff like that.) seem to reinforce the conventional
view, so what’s wrong with this approach?
Well, when we just focus on communication within organizations (based on an informational
view of communication), we’re taking what a colleague of mine at the University of Colorado
calls a “flat earth” approach towards communication. What I mean by a “flat earth” approach
is a perspective that seems correct from a limited vantage point because it “works” for much of
our day‐to‐day lives, but ultimately it fails to account for the complexity of a situation.
For much of human history we got by just fin
So what is organizational communication? And what are we doing when we study
organizational communication? I want to try and answer these questions from two different
perspectives. First, we can talk about organizational communication as the communication that
happens within organizations. That is, all the communication activity you’ll see if you go to any
organization today: sending emails, writing memos, talking on the phone, having meetings (and
more meetings!), teleconferencing, video conferencing, speeches, presentations, and so on.
This is a more conventional approach, and I think is what comes to mind when people initially
think of organizational communication.
But I want to go deeper. I want to introduce an alternative, more sophisticated approach of
seeing organizations as communication. This can radically change how we understand human
interaction and organizational life, and it opens up exciting possibilities for research and
But first let’s say a bit more about the conventional approach to organizational communication,
which focuses on communication within organizations.
This perspective sees the organization as something like a container, and communication is
what flows within the container. If we extend the metaphor, we can see how communicating is
then shaped by the structure of the organization, in the same way liquids take the shape of
their physical containers. And by the “shape” of the container we can mean the physical shape
of the organization, like if you have to take the elevator up ten floors to deliver a report to your
boss…or more of a symbolic shape, like where you are in the organizational hierarchy and how
this influences the way you communicate with other organizational members.
The key here is that the organization is seen as something that exists separately from
communication. So communication is “organizational” when it happens within these separate
structures we call organizations. This relates to what scholars call an informational view of
communication, because communication is all about transmitting information throughout the
“container” of the organization, and “ineffective communication” or “communication
breakdowns” are seen as technical problems…the right information didn’t get to the right
people in the right manner…someone didn’t get the memo, as people like to say.
And this is important stuff…it’s how the work of organizations gets done. From small
businesses and multinational corporations to nonprofits and government agencies…if
organizations don’t communicate the right information to the right people at the right times in2
the right ways things fall apart: directions aren’t followed, customers aren’t satisfied, clients
aren’t served, regulations aren’t obeyed, and general chaos ensures. And in certain high‐risk
organizations, like our military or your local fire department, getting the right information to
the right people is absolutely critical. So we certainly need effective communication within
But again, I want to go deeper…beyond this conventional view of organizational
communication… because as important as this conventional view is for the day‐to‐day
operations of organizations, I don’t think this view fully captures the complexities of organizing
and communicating in our society.
In a perfect world we could create more efficient structures of information sharing so that the
right people would always have the right information and miscommunication would be a thing
of the past. But a funny happened on the way to communication paradise. Turns out different
people interpret the exact same message very differently; that people can be deceptive in their
communication and their motives are incredibly difficult to figure out; that the meaning of
language changes depending on the context; that what you don’t communicate is often more
important that what you do communicate…or that what you say is often much less important
than how you say it; and that people often (if not usually) communicate for many other reasons
than to just transmit information. And these are not just aberrations…this is the normal state
of affairs for human interaction.
Why is it, after all, that “communication problems” are continually mentioned as one of the
main difficulties for most organizations? Is it just that people aren’t getting the right
information? If so, this is merely a technical problem that should improve as we develop new
ways to get better information to more people more efficiently. But it seems like almost the
opposite is happening…that the more sophisticated our communication technologies have
gotten over the years the more communication problems we have. Now why is that? Perhaps
it’s because there is more going on with communication than just transmitting information.
So in contrast to the first approach of communication within organizations, I want to offer an
alternative, more sophisticated approach to organizational communication: organizations as
communication. But this means we have to think very differently about both communication
and about organizations.
Instead of viewing communication as merely the transfer of information, this second approach
goes deeper and sees communication as the fundamental process that shapes our social reality.
Communication is not just about transmitting already‐formed data between senders and
receivers, but rather a complex process of continually creating and negotiating the meanings
and interpretations that shape our lives. Scholars call this a constitutive view of communication
because communication literally “constitutes,” or “makes up” our social world. More on this
later. 3
Additionally, this second approach of seeing organizations as communication questions the
very notion of “organization” in the first place. The first approach of communication in
organizations assumes there is this thing called “organization” that “exists” and we just focus
on the communication that happens inside. But what exactly is this thing called “organization?”
Where did it come from? Organizations aren’t natural…they don’t just “exist” in nature like
trees and mountains and rivers. They are created by people, and people have different values,
motivations, abilities, resources, etc. So organizations are never just neutral structures that
exist apart from human activity…they are the visible manifestations of human activity, of
And so at their core organizations are communicative. Think about it…an organization is
essentially an ongoing collection of interactions, decisions, messages, interpretations, symbols,
images, negotiations, agreements, contracts, relationships, and so forth. There’s nothing else
“there” that exists apart from communication. Well, let me qualify that just a bit. Certainly
there are other material or physical things “there,” like buildings, cubicles, computers, and
other equipment…and these things help “make up” the organization. But these things have no
inherent meaning apart from human interaction, nor can they have any impact in the real world
apart from the choices we make through communication. Similarly, the outcomes of
communication definitely have consequences in the material world. For example, you might be
thinking, “Hey, if I get laid off, it’s not just a matter of perception…it’s not just talk…there is a
stark reality I have to face.”
Yes, but how the decision to lay you off was made, and the meaning of that decision—whether
seen as cost‐cutting efficiency or ruthless bottom‐line thinking—and how you make sense of
this event are matters of communication…and the culmination of these communication
processes are what make organizations what they are. I’m not suggesting that organizations
exist in an imaginary land of perceptions and symbols and wishful thinking…like the material
world doesn’t matter, it’s all in your mind. No, no…this constitutive perspective of
organizations as communication is very‐much rooted in the material world of things and stuff.
But what I am suggesting is that these material things come together and have meaning as an
organization only through communication…thus leading us to the conclusion that organizations
exist as communication.
And my argument is that this second approach—organizations as communication—is a much
better perspective to guide our study of organizational communication. Now of course we
need effective communication within organizations…that’s a given. But if we limit ourselves to
just this perspective we miss important opportunities for deeper insight and understanding.
But why complicate things with a more sophisticated approach? After all, conventions become
conventional for good reason…and conventional views usually have a lot of practical value.
What do we gain with an alternative approach? I’m sure by now there are some objections in
favor of the conventional view of communication within organizations I described earlier. After
all, the container metaphor seems to describe how most of us actually experience
organizational communication much of the time, and the physical reality of organizations (you4
know, buildings, computers, equipment, stuff like that.) seem to reinforce the conventional
view, so what’s wrong with this approach?
Well, when we just focus on communication within organizations (based on an informational
view of communication), we’re taking what a colleague of mine at the University of Colorado
calls a “flat earth” approach towards communication. What I mean by a “flat earth” approach
is a perspective that seems correct from a limited vantage point because it “works” for much of
our day‐to‐day lives, but ultimately it fails to account for the complexity of a situation.
For much of human history we got by just fin
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