Hybrids and NPTs produced fewer but larger panicles
(i.e., more spikelets per panicle) than indica inbreds in both
the DS and the WS (Table 3). The NPTs had significantly
fewer spikelets per panicle than hybrids in all four seasons.
Despite a lower panicle number, hybrids produced more
spikelets per unit ground area than indica inbreds and NPTs
due to their larger panicles in the DS. The NPTs demonstrated a sink size similar to indica inbreds in the DS but
significantly smaller than indica inbreds in the WS. Indica
inbreds generally exhibited a higher grain-fi lling percent-age than hybrids and NPTs. There was no significant difference in grainfilling percentage between hybrids and NPTs.
Hybrids and NPTs had significantly higher 1000-seed weight
than indica inbreds except in the 2003 DS.