Resolving Negative Feedback
Maintaining a high feedback rating is an important factor in becoming a successful seller on Amazon. Customers often review and evaluate feedback ratings when determining whether to make a purchase from a seller.
If you receive negative feedback, it is important to quickly determine the cause of the problem and to work toward resolving it. See Improving Your Feedback Rating for help with identifying and resolving common causes of negative feedback.
Handling negative feedback
We encourage you to work with buyers to address and resolve any issues. After resolving the buyer's concerns that led to the negative feedback, you can ask the buyer to remove the negative feedback. However, please remember that pressuring a buyer to remove negative feedback is a violation of our policies.
If you work with a buyer to resolve a situation, but the buyer decides not to remove negative feedback, you can post a response (using the Respond button) to explain how you worked to correct the problems. This response displays on the website. It is not a way to communicate with the buyer. Your response won't change your feedback rating, but other customers will be able to read your explanation when they see the buyer's feedback.
Dealing with feedback mistakes
Sometimes buyers make mistakes when leaving feedback. If you believe a buyer has left negative feedback in error, you can e-mail the buyer and offer to resolve any problems with the order. If the buyer is happy with the order and the negative feedback was left by mistake, you can ask the buyer to remove the feedback.