Pasture quality
parameters decreased from the young to mature stages
as a result of differences in plant composition between
levels of maturity. The presence of an increased
proportion of plant stems, typical of older plants, may
restrict access to leafy parts and force animals to
consume lower quality herbage (Reling et al., 2001). The
quality of available bites is depressed when green leafmaterial
is scarce and largely dispersed among
senescent material especially in the case of older
pasture for which the NDF and ADL fractions increased
with level of maturity (Table 4). The nitrogen content (CP)
of pasture also decreased from the young to mature
stages (Table 3 and 4). Reling et al. (2001) concluded
that increased pasture maturity had a negative effect on
the nutritional value of P. maximum cv gatton pasture,
indicating that this forage would be best utilized at
younger stages of development.
Environmental temperature was reported to influence
the production of vegetative material in guinea grass.
Tillering was observed to be delayed at low
temperatures also plant size and leaf area in all cultivars
were greater when temperature was increased. Above a
temperature of 20 oC plant responses in terms of plant